Saturday, April 19, 2014

Thoughts on IV talks and the Resurrection

Hi Fellow IV'ers!  Yes, that's a new term for us all.  As we come upon Easter Sunday and remember our risen Savior, I wanted to recap the a few things from the IV talks we have had.  I wasn't there this past Thursday so I apologize for not including anything from it here. We did, though, have the illustrious Steven Seibert and Mark Charles come and talk to us.  From crazy freshman stories to feasting unto the Lord, there is no one way to honor God this Easter.  But these two reminded us of some core values.  Steven reminded us through his lessons learned in IV to go back to the basics - read your bible and love your neighbor.  There is no greater way to hear God's voice than to read what He is thinking in the Bible.  The Bible is a supernatural book.  For when we read it, God comes and meets with us.  In it He tells us how to love our neighbor.  Mark Charles opened up an Old Testament scripture in Deuteronomy 14 where God gives a very different perspective to tithing than the one given from church leadership using Malachi 3:10.  The thing about scripture is that it cannot be separated from itself.  When studying a topic, every scripture must be taken into account - its context, cultural influences, etc.  Many times we get the "Our church isn't doing well so give us money" talk.  Jesus died on the cross to take away our sins.  He died to give us new life.  I don't always consider the money talk to give life, in fact I think it drains the life out of the church.  Money should be given from a glad and willing heart.  The scriptures tell us to give cheerfully and to the work of God's kingdom.  It is great when there are programs at church that can be done with tithed money, but there is also work going on in the mission field and elsewhere.  My point is this, as Mark Charles tithed to God and made a feast in honor and faith to God, so to, that is what we are to do with our actions.  We read the bible in honor and faith to God.  We give money to the work of God's kingdom, whether to the church or missions, in honor and faith to God.  All of this is done by saying "yes" to God (another thing Steven learned while at IV).  Where does God want your time, talent, and money to go?  Maybe He wants you to tithe to organizations that feed the poor.  Maybe He wants your money to help orphans and widows.  Maybe beyond your money, He want you to use your time and talents in these places.  Maybe He wants you to shine His light in the work place, and show that life is not all about the next promotion but about living a full life unto Him.  There is more purpose than getting bogged down in the things the church and others can demand of us.  It requires listening to His voice.  He may send us into the church, but at the core, everything needs to start with Christ.  The basis for what we do needs to start in our hearts, dying to ourselves, and rising with Christ to walk in the life He has for us.  Maybe you are not there yet.  Start by saying yes to God at the basic level.  "Yes, God, I will give my life, time, money and talents to You."  Maybe you are there, you know that God has spoken to you and you are in His will in a big way.  Continue to say "yes" to God.  Whether at one end or somewhere in between, say yes to God.  Read or reread the resurrection story of how He died and rose again for you.  Learn to love your neighbor as Christ did.  Say,yes to Him and honor him with feasting and gladness this resurrection Sunday.